I get a bit rummy when I spend all day in the house. However, there are those days where it's not to be helped. Between this blasted cold that seems to be the latest team-building exercise at work, a project due on Thursday (Visual Basic class at Edmonds Community College ), and a general malaise, I've been sitting here watching the sun move across the sky from my couch. Days like this leave me in a foggy mental state. At some point I always need to get outside, no matter how ucky I feel. I've pondered this before, but never figured out the mechanism at hand. This didn't affect me during my years of submarine service. However, the sub was quite a bit bigger than my humble condo. Perhaps it was the manic busy-ness. Anyway, though I've not completed anything I wanted to, I'm about the abandon it all and get outside. Whether a drive, a small walk, or sitting in the backyard in the mud, I'm getting out.
Another Seattle Based Tech Worker