Earlier today I finished my work for my Photoshop class, then uploaded it all. Oddly, I feel unhappy. Well, at least displeased. You see, imperfections abound. This bothers me immeasurablly. I know the foolishness of such, but feel trapped. It will subside, though. Another piece to this: I don't feel this way when I hand in an assignment, face-to-face, in classroom. This dynamic is unique to online, for me. More akin to remembering a test, finally figuring out how to do such-and-such problem. This awareness of imperfection is annoying. This might be a key piece of education. Do the best you can, turn it in, then get on with the next project. This will be profoundly helpful. Dropping something when it's done lacks in my life. I need to put forth effort there. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Another Seattle Based Tech Worker