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Showing posts from 2020

An Afternoon Haiku

sunlight on display shining through autumnal leaves crows announce my steps

Monday Morning

  Morning arrives Sunlight ascending  Through autumn mists

An Autumn Haiku

  autumnal daylight crisp, cool air awakens me I reach for my tea I woke to a lovely autumn morning. The rain holding off until a convenient time opens up possibilities. Yet, I expect to spend most of the day in front of a computer.

An October Flower

This October morn Floral echos of summer Life's tenacity

Weeds vs Wildflowers

  my mind wondering why are dandelions weeds not wildflowers? As a boy, I loved dandelions. As an adult, I wonder why they’re so maligned. What do you think? Created this image with Adobe Spark and a stock photo.


Photo by  Vie Studio  from  Pexels surrounded by fears kindness keeps our souls aloft as the petals fall

First Day of Autumn

  holding back the dawn  grey skies resisting sunlight grace of rain-soaked leaves It's a classic Seattle autumn morning. One that I delight in. I hope your autumn is off to a good start. 

Elation: A Haiku

sunlight climbs mountains e lation and jubilee  a new day is born There is a blog that posts a Word of the Day Challenge. Today's word is "elation". The above its my contribution.

Rain's Grace: A Haiku

rain's grace clouds hiding the sun's face beloved fresh air Seattle is getting our well-needed rain right now. The air feels so much better, breathing so much easier. Tis a good day, my friends!

Jays Shrieking Early Morning

jays shriek their protests an uncaring hawk nearby this hazy morning

The Scent Of Old Books, A Haiku

scent of old books espresso machine’s song hints of jazz piano    Thinking of Beat poets while listening to jazz this hazy, smokey Seattle morning.

Laying bare our fears

Laying bare our fears Feel the sunlight on our souls Swaying sunflowers A haiku for this late, summer's evening. 

A Saturday morning Haiku

A morning haiku

Do the best you can Live a life you are proud of And have no regrets

What would you do? What are you doing!

One of the most powerful things I've read. A reminder, my friends, be the change you want to see. View this post on Instagram ✨How you choose to show up now will define and dictate our collective future. Your voice and actions are that important✨ . What kind of world do you want to live in? . What current systems are you passionate about changing forever? . What rights and injustices are you willing to fight for? . What will you say to your kids when they ask you what you did during this time to create change? . I ask because we are at a vital tipping point. . History has already been made with the world wide #BlackLivesMatter movement. With all 50 U.S states and 18 countries in protest demanding change, we are living through the largest civil rights movement in human history. . We have the momentum now to truly make some huge shifts. But we can’t take our foot off the gas. It’s not over yet. The dismantling of old paradigms has just begun and we get to be pa...

Haiku : June 5, 2020

empty, hollow words unable to find healing trust that's been trampled

Haiku: June 4, 2020

a springtime moment some cat holding a sparrow  blood on its whiskers

A Rainy Night Haiku

In today's haiku I'm listening to rain upon my roof, remembering this sound I've heard so many times. Rain speaks to the Seattleite in me, to the many, many times of gentle rain. For me, it's calming and tranquil. 

A Prompted Haiku: Regardless

in this sea of change I step forward regardless unbowed by my fears