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Showing posts from January, 2008 and CBS

CBS Adds On-Demand Music To   First, I’m rather embarrassed that I didn’t know that CBS had acquired . This is a nice leap for them. Though Forbes only mentions Napster, Real and Yahoo as competitors, this is really helpful against groups like Pandora . Streaming music is becoming an interesting intersection of commerce and netizens.   A second point with this, seems to have figured out the web. First, they have dropped their annoying intro videos (I passionately hated them). Secondly, they’ve added solid social elements, such as comments, Digg , Facebook , and tags. Forbes might be leading the way for grown-up social media on the web.

Congress, Steroids, and Issues

Perhaps I’m silly, but why is Congress investigating baseball and steroids? Why is this in the national interest? Heck, I’d even be a bit annoyed if the FBI was spending resources on this, and this is within the scope of their function. This is absolute foolishness! However, Dr. Grossman, Dean Julius Isaacson professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, says it with much better sarcasm and wit than I could muster.

Parade's cover story questioned --

Parade's cover story questioned -- Parade magazine attempts to justify their decision to publish a grossly out-of-date article about Bhutto after her assignation. If nothing else, they have lost serious credibility as journalists. I was quite shocked to see this in Sunday's paper. It's another sign, really, of the weaknesses of the traditional media model. News organizations must find ways to publish timely and relevant content. Perhaps print based news is truly dead.

Facebook disabled my account « Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger

First post and the most recent post, here . Scoble's incident with Facebook does show a critical issue with the brave new world we live in. The surrounding debate has brought up all kinds of issues, which is good for the meta-debate about technology. There is one (right now) that feel compelled to consider: the social network piece. Mostly, this is related to his most recent post on this thread here . Particularly, he notes that: I've gotten dozens of messages from people who claim to have been erased by Facebook who DID NOT run a script (or so they say). They were just erased for some perceived slight and because they aren’t a famous blogger they haven’t gotten their accounts turned back on. So, this is a company you want to trust your private details to? A company that can not just block access to your account, but can erase every last detail about you. I've seen these claims, too. There are enough of them that makes me give credence to them (at least some of them). This...

Seattle to install more stoplight cameras

Seattle to install more stoplight cameras   There’s a part of me that’s thrilled by this, something of a “get those bastards” mentality. However, there’s also a part of me that’s rather creeped out by the Big Brother quality of this. I don’t know if this is good, bad, or (most likely) a combination.

2008: Linux’s year on the desktop | Storage Bits |

» 2008: Linux’s year on the desktop | Storage Bits | Some interesting speculation on what's to come in the PC market. I don't know how much credence to give this, but it's certainly worth a look...and some reflection. Particularly his observation about the introduction of new computing platforms every 10 years. I've fiddled with Linux, and will, most likely, turn my old Compaq laptop into a dual (duel?) boot machine soon.