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Showing posts from February, 2013


Just a thought: if you regularly give up planning and review time to deal with "now", you have a future problem. We must make time to compare our progress against our goals. Otherwise, we get lost. Don't let this slip! And I'll try to do the same.

Social Media Training

Spent all day yesterday learning how to generate leads using social media with Lori Ballen . Lots of good ideas, lots of things I want to implement over various projects. Though we had a real estate focus, the ideas are implementable across a wider array of sectors. Learned tons, but haven't had the chance to process it all. I'll post more as soon add I make that time.

A Good Way To Engage The Public

Just read Ragan's post about Southwest's engagement via social media. They clearly get social media, how it's about listening. I love seeing stuff like this. I found their desire to name their PR command center "The Listening Post" particularly telling. Compare it, if you will, with Wal-Mart's choice of " War Room" . One implies collaborative, engagement, respectful of it's customers; while the other immediately screams adversarial. Seems clear which will be the best at mollifying the energy of critics. This attitude works best to build ambassadors for your brand. These fans will be infinitely better at defusing potential crisis then even the best PR pros. Your fans are a key asset. Invest in them.

My Email Frustration Du Jour

Let's all agree to start using the "To:" line correctly. Senders:  Put people in the "To" line who have action items, or are otherwise the direct focus of the email. E.g.: "Carl, please take care of this"...blah, blah. Use the "CC:" line for people on the email for informational purposes.  Readers: Look in the address header to see where you fit in before you read. Then you'll have a solid idea of whether you are being asked for information or action, or whether you're being informed of a status, data, what-have-you.  If we can all start following email 101, maybe we can de-confuse the world some. Maybe...


I've been considering my blog theme for some time. Though I love poetry (and still plan on writing), my interests are much more varied. My career has progressed over a wide array of industries and functions, all within the basic "general business administration" category. I've worried about shifting my focus, though. I've never been much for "profit hunting". Business, though, impacts so many areas of our society, and we all are impacted by this institution. The variety in my background, from differing sectors (non-profits, Fortune 500, small and mid-sized business) to types (retail, technology, religious, advocacy, distribution, wholesale....) provides me with a remarkable perspective. All this blends into a particular viewpoint. I take a long-term view. Sustainability is critical (both for individual institutions and society en masse). Project management tools and disciplines are master strokes of intellectual achievement.