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Showing posts from August, 2009

Thoughts Upon A Grey Morn

My world looks rather autumnal this morn. Cool, an even tone of grey hued clouds blanketing the sky. Soon, I expect, a light mist fills the air. Strange, I’m sure, but I’m fond of “grey” over “gray”. Perhaps just contrarian; perhaps the remnants of a lingering regional influence. Most likely, I just prefer “e” to “a”. “A” gets so much more air-time. Firstborn of the alphabet, first of the vowels. “A”, the valedictorian, cheerleader, homecoming queen of the letters. Always first, always popular, always adored. What about poor, lonely “e”? Middle child of the vowels, lost in the full-alphabet family. “E”, that quiet, accommodating middle child. A great listener, demanding nothing for itself. The one that cleans up after Thanksgiving dinner, putting all the dishes away, with no one noticing. Greyness calms the morn. No garish sun demanding action. Grey clouds invite to tea, to leisure. No need to run outside, to seize this last moment of summer. Relax, sit, just be. Read a book, listen ...

The Oregon coast

The Oregon coast , originally uploaded by carl.setzer .

Photo Streams

Ok, as I’m getting my photography back up, I’m wondering about online photo services. Right now, I have a Flickr stream as well as Picasa . They both offer online editing and such things. All in all I can’t see any difference except for the networks (individuals) connected. My Flickr stream has a few subscribers, only one “link” to my Picasa. Flickr seems to offer more choices regarding formal prints, but I haven’t used that yet. Thus I feel puzzled about which to focus on. First, I guess, I need to figure out what I need. The main thing I want is to have an easy way to connect. Most of the editing I do is on my machine. However, I have found that it’s nice to be able to edit something that I’ve sent from my phone (they rarely look like the phone screen). So, a question to you folks. What other services have you tried? Smugmug? What is good? What features have you seen that didn’t seem important at first, but have become indispensable?

A First Post

Posted via email from carlsetzer's posterous

Well, I'm working again

Last week, I started working again after 6 months off. It's been a strange trip, let me tell you. First, starting work after a 6 month break was rather surreal. The first few days were quite exhausting. However, I rebounded quickly. My brain is starting to get back into the swing of organizing teams (the heart of my career to this point). Now, I'm not back into the full-time, permanent work-force. I'm a contractor/temp, working for a large technology company in the greater Seattle area. Fortunately, I'm coming from Starbucks, so I have experience working for a large, Fortune 200 company. I now how to function in controlled chaos. Though I've explored a good many career options, directions in which to wander off to, I keep coming back to administrative and office management. Finally, I feel that this really is my calling. I'm good at this, and can jump into pretty much any setting and succeed. This next stage shall be, well, unique in the course of my caree...


Today I re-read Robert Frost's classic "The Road Not Taken". Always, as I read, I think I should commit this to memory; I adore it so. My internal script, though, tells me I can't memorize. Laughable, really, this notion. As a musician, I memorized a great deal. Several years of drum corps shows, marching band music, myriad jazz tunes; all committed to mind. Odd, then, that this dated and disproven script still influences. I wonder, at times, if we'd cease to exist without our insecurities. So prevalent and deep seated they are. Frustrating, really; perhaps memorizing this piece would help defeat this script forever? A worthy endeavor, methinks. Via BlackBerry

Comic du jour

Someone after my heart...